Winter Solstice & Yuletide Blessings!
Dec 20, 2021
Welcome to the Winter Solstice portal of spiritual seclusion & rest.
In the time of darkness we look to faith and hope. We use that to harness the trust needed to ensure the Sun’s faithful return for the Spring.
The winter months have staked their claim onto the Northern Hemisphere, hardening the soil and encouraging a retreat of all life. The last Sabbat that was honored was Samhain on October 31, marking the final harvest before nature’s withdrawal. This signified blessings and bounty, and is a time of gratitude.
Now, on the shortest day of the year the Great Goddess gives life back to the Sun, welcoming its warm and welcomed return slowly over the next few months.
We look to the ebb and flow of nature and the cosmos to teach us. And at this time of year, we observe rest. In the colder climates animals have prepared for their hibernation, while the flourishing of life halts.
We draw within for self reflection, listening to our inner voice. Take time to rest and rejuvenate as nature does. Learn the secrets of who you are, your courage & strength.
The Sun is being birthed from the darkness of a sacred & cosmic womb, to once again return us to the light and nurture us with its abundance, fertility, and life.
The Yule tree is an ancient tradition to symbolize the tree of life, protecting the home’s inhabitants from the darkness and honoring the nature spirits by giving them refuge from the cold.
In Norse culture the tree was adorned with ornaments symbolizing gifts they wished from the gods. The Yule log was burned for several nights to honor the god Thor and the original Santa Clause was really the Nordic god Odin. The wreath symbolized the wheel of the year, as the great solar orb marks its path across the open sky.
The gift of storytelling and sharing sagas, eddas, poetry, and song has existed long before the written word. It is the story of our origins and ancestors. It highlights a diverse array of cultures that span the entire planet.
No matter your beliefs or spiritual vision, it is the bond of storytelling and sharing in this timeless art that is also exactly what connects us.
It is faith & hope that ignites the fire within our own souls to keep moving forward. It helps us to recognize the darkness that is within each of us. For even the brightest of lights must be eclipsed to support balance.
There are many time honored traditions to honor, those that have been passed down for generations, and some that you may now be guided to add to the rest.
Follow your heart, listen to your spirit, and let nature be your guide.
Many blessings to you all!!