What is the Price of Your Happiness?

affirmations alignment awakening challenges divine light ego emotional trauma empath empowerment find your soul tribe healing energy healing process inner child inner child wounds mindset mindset limitations personal investment relaim your power sacred feminine self discovery shadow self shadow wounds short term solutions speak your truth spiritual alignment spiritual ascension spiritual awakening spiritual development spiritual growth spiritual journey the valkyrie mystic thinking transformation trust yourself Oct 27, 2021

Have you ever bought something because you thought it would make you feel better? Have you ever purchased a pair of shoes, changed your hair, or wanted a different job because you thought it would give you more confidence or feel more courageous?


YUP! I’ve been there too, only to realize that the initial feeling when you slip on those new shoes or style your spectacular new hair is temporary. Even though I love enjoying the finer things in life, I know now that those are temporary experiences.

Short term investments that lead to short term solutions.

The real transformation comes when you begin the journey within.


It’s easy to find temporary relief in simple pleasures and when they can ease your pain and suffering. Because the experience is lived in short spurts they will be sought out more frequently and in different ways.


The pleasure and reward center of your brain lights up and activates happy hormones that make you feel good. And when you experience these brief moments of joy and elation your brain wants to repeat the cycle over and over again.


This is a natural biological response from your brain. But whether or not you are experiencing mild dependency on these emotions or are in active addiction, understanding your thoughts and how your mind works will help you make the changes you want.


We must always begin with ourselves, and sometimes we have to answer the hard questions with the raw truth.


Ask yourself:

  • What am I really searching for? 
  • Which thoughts are keeping me stuck in the same pattern?
  • Am I repeating the same patterns as my mother, father, or close family member?
  • What am I truly afraid of?


This will help you to isolate some of the mindset blocks that may be obstructing your path to growth and development.


Positive Affirmations to Empower Your Light:

  • “I am ready to receive the bounties of the Universe.”
  • “I free myself from any and all things that do not serve my highest good.”
  • “I understand my heart and my mind.”
  • “I am powerful and my needs are always met.”


Say these everyday for one week and post your results on FB @Valkyrie Mystic Alignment Academy!

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