Understanding Psychic Medium Readings

alignment angels ascension awaken empath heal healing process high frequency high vibration interdimensional light beings medium mystic oracle psychic psychic medium spirit guides spiritual teacher star races tarot cards Oct 03, 2021

I’ve been doing readings for over 20 years. I started doing Tarot readings for friends when I was 17 years old because I felt such an intuitive connection to the cards. My first deck was gifted to me by a mentor and there was no book, no internet, and no instructions. I had to develop my own unique relationship with the cards and let them speak through me in my sessions.

Of course I’ve crossed paths with many along the way that have been fearful of readings or thought that it was an ill-advised practice. 

Allow me to clear up any confusion regarding this ancient and timeless practice.

Mystics, sages, prophets, and seers have been well known in ancient cultures all around the world for thousands of years. They are referred to in many ancient texts of Norse, Celtic, MesoAmerican, and Egyptian texts, as well as the Bible.

The ability of the psychic medium varies for each individual. Each individual’s mediumistic gifts can show up at various times in life. Some may experience it as children and others may have endured a traumatic experience that activated their extrasensory perception.

I’ve always been empathic, feeling and absorbing the energy around me. I am also gifted with hearing messages and visualizing through the psychic vision of my third eye. With these gifts I have developed over the years and communicate with higher dimensions of consciousness.

When reading for someone, I activate a protective pyramid of light around myself and the sitter to expand my conscious awareness and call forth their “Light Council”.

Each individual is surrounded by their Council of Light, which consists of many high vibrational beings, such as angels, ascended masters, spirit guides, interdimensional beings, animals, and elementals.

By opening my energy to their communication I channel their wisdom, guidance, healing, and direction. Many times loved ones from the other side also like to make their presence known and this can provide deep healing and closure for the person being read.

The goal is to support the sitter by providing insight, support, and guidance, NOT to predict their future or scare them with impending doom. I do readings so that my clients can have an enlightened view of the big picture, and help them experience a variety of perspectives so they can make their own decisions moving forward.

When there are challenges to be overcome I can provide feedback from their Light Council and they can be guided to take confident action.

Psychic medium readings provide powerful insight, empowerment, direction, clarity, and communication across the veil. They can support the healing process and provide you with many techniques that support action and growth.