The Process of Your Spiritual Journey
May 15, 2023
Everyones spiritual journey is different...where are you in your journey? Spiritual Awaken, Alignment, or Ascension?
Learn the spiritual process that I teach to help individuals find their personal power, heal, activate their gifts, and step into their divine purpose based on the evolution of my own spiritual journey over the past 25 years.
Spiritual Awakening:
Spiritual Awakening is the first stage of the process that many individuals begin on their own because Spirit is beginning to nudge you towards self reflection, questioning your values and belief systems, and feeling as though there is more to the framework of reality that you've been living within. There can be some physical symptoms associated with this stage, and they can be unpleasant at times. You may feel overwhelmed with energy, emotions, self questioning & examination, as well as experience difficulty sleeping, concentrating, and physical discomfort as your vibration is beginning to shift.
Spiritual Alignment:
Spiritual Alignment is the second major stage to your spiritual evolution. You are still becoming more awakened, BUT the energetic shifts are more powerful and can feel more intense. Your mind, body, and soul are attempting to exist is a synchronized alignment. In order for this to happen, the healing process begins to understand the deeper layers of oneself. Self examination and discovery are especially highlighted here because you are beginning to observe what has existed beneath the layers of programming and core wounds. You can now begin seeing that there is so much more to you than you were taught to believe.
Your energy centers are speaking to you and you are ready to listen. There are powerful beings that want to come to your aid. You are going to recognize that the gifts you were second guessing in the spiritual closet are REAL. Throughout this process, you find the alignment of who you really are. How you interact with the world around you is shifting because you know so much more about yourself and feel more comfortable releasing toxic situations, speaking your truth, discovering your purpose, and living authentically. Expect BIG vibrational and energetic shifts here! You are opening yourself to bigger opportunities, attracting more abundance, and exploring your sacred authenticity.
Spiritual Ascension:
Finally, Spiritual Ascension is the third and final stage in which you will continue to develop & expand within. When you feel more aligned within your body, mind, and soul, you begin to expand in your awareness. This higher level of consciousness that is being activated supports a deeper merging with the non physical world. When you have achieved soul alignment, the activation of your spiritual gifts becomes so much stronger.
However, because of the initial work that was accomplished through the awakening and alignment stages, you feel more confident and a heightened sense of your divine guidance. You will see more clearly, understand more energetic information, tap into Spirit, recognize your healing gifts, shift into oneness with the Universe, and unleash the true nature of your power through a series of learned, remembered, and activated spiritual skill sets. You are noticing that your self trust is much stronger, you are existing more comfortably between 3D & 5D vibrations, interpreting ethereal messages is easier, self healing is more gentle, and you are thriving in your authentic spiritual purpose.
If you are interested in learning more about your psychic gifts and spiritual awakening journey, join my FREE and exclusive Facebook community HERE!