The Power of Your Cosmic Fingerprint

ascendent astrological chart astrology birth chart challenges compatibility constellations cosmic fingerprint houses know thyself moon sign natal chart planets rising sign spiritual truth strengths sun sign zodiac Oct 04, 2021

I began studying astrology when I was 13 years old. I was instantly enthralled with it; fascinated with the patterns, cycles, and relationships between these ginormous celestial bodies.

 As my eagerness grew, I found myself isolated on aisle floors of the library or bookstore, absorbing this ancient wisdom grabbing at any and every astrological book I could get my hands on.

Astrology is actually the oldest science in the world. In fact, up until the year 1666 an individual who was studying to become a physician had to pass a test verifying their vast knowledge of the planets and signs, their transits, and the herbs associated with them for medicinal purposes. 

When I was 18 I began doing birth charts by hand, with just my ephemeris, a protractor, and a compass. I didn’t have a computer or the internet, let alone astrology software - just passion and determination. Each chart I did by hand took me about six hours!

The first time I did one was for a friend that was in an emotionally abusive relationship. Her “partner” at the time was constantly ridiculing her for her choices and various aspects of her personality. 

She was struggling with the relationship and within herself. It greatly troubled her that she was not “pleasing” to him. This is a common challenge amongst most empaths. They fear disappointing people, therefore putting the needs of others before themselves.

Upon giving her the personalized chart I explained to her how each chart is unique to each individual, highlighting various planetary influences. The cosmos are in constant motion, it never stops. 

Now, imagine looking up at the sky and seeing a big circle that is divided up into 12 slices, kind of like a pizza or a pie. Each slice represents a sign of the zodiac that will also be broken down into 12 houses. 

Then imagine the very moment you were born that all the celestial bodies that were orbiting around that circle came to an instant halt. Your birth chart is a screenshot of that moment; the cosmic fingerprint of who you are.

Each planet, zodiac sign, house, and strong angular relationship within that circle translates to a different layer of your personality. 

When my friend read through the pages and carefully studied the chart with all of its intricate messages she repeatedly affirmed, “Oh, wow!” “Wow, that’s me!” “I can’t believe how accurate this is!” 

I love watching this happen by the way!!

It was a very healing experience for her, not to mention, validating, supportive, and empowering. Shortly thereafter she ended the relationship that was causing her so much sorrow and pain. 

She moved forward with courage and confidence, knowing the truth of who she was and always would be at the basis of her existence.

This one story is why I would go forth doing thousands of birth charts for men, women, and children in the years to come. To support parents with their children, couples, and individuals who simply want to understand themselves deeper and in more profound ways.