The Many Gifts of Being an Empath

alignment angels ascension aura authentic self awakening blessings challenges change christ consciousness communication control freak divine light divine purpose ebb & flow emotional fear finances freedom healing process high vibration inner child inner child wounds know thyself mindset limitations power struggle psychic medium rejuvenate relaim your power relationships shadow self speak your truth spirit guides Feb 14, 2022

Do you understand what makes empaths unique and special?

Do you know what happens, as an empath, when you begin implementing boundaries, trusting yourself, and connecting with your guides? 

I'll tell you!

You begin feeling more and more as the authority of your own life. You begin to understand yourself and how your unique frequency aligns with the universe. You shift from fear to freedom.

When you begin to uncover your own unique alignment to Spirit, your gifts activate stronger. This opens your mind, heart, and soul to the most exhilarating and sublime energy that you could imagine!

Because I’ve worked with so many empaths over the past several years, I feel it’s so important for you to discover how your own unique gifts flow through you.

Over the many years that I have helped empaths heal their inner child, set boundaries, and develop strong self trust, I marvel at the additional transformations that occur as a result.

Is being an empath a spiritual gift?

Yes! There is such an excitement and enthusiasm to discover more about what makes each empath empowered through their spiritual gifts!

Do you ever compare yourself to others who are gifted in the ways of healing, having visions, communicating with Spirit, channeling the messages of ascended masters or angels?

Do you ever think to yourself that you perhaps you too have empath spiritual gifts, but never believed in yourself enough to believe in your gifts?

I also find that most empaths rarely realize that they have these gifts, and then when they finally acknowledge them, they begin to magically unfold.

What are the four primary ways your gifts of an empath will activate?

  • Clairvoyance

  • Claircognizance

  • Clairaudience

  • Clairsentience

These gifts are all different, and perhaps you have one or two, or maybe all four. Here’s what they mean and how they will impact your life:

What is a Clairvoyant empath?

The gift of vision. This is the mind’s eye, the third eye, and inner vision that allows the clairvoyant empath to get flashes of images, color(aura), or pictures. You may touch something, think of something, or be in its presence and have random pictures flashing within your mind. I experience it like I am remembering a dream. You may also receive prophetic images from Spirit that present clues to future events. 

Does this ever happen to you?

What is a Claircognizant empath?

The gift of knowing. This can be a more difficult gift to understand. That is because the claircognizant empath knows things without knowing how they know them. I have been experiencing this since I was a child. I could speak with wisdom beyond my years and explain things in detail that I had never been educated on. I believe this is sacred knowledge that is being streamed through our consciousness from Spirit.

Does this ever happen to you?

What is a Clairaudient empath?

The gift of hearing. When you trust yourself, you trust the voice inside your head. You may notice that you hear suggestions, quick insight, names, dates, etc.. As you notice these clairaudient empath gifts more, you may question what is your voice and what is the voice of Spirit. Is that me talking in my own head? Developing this gift, one must quiet the mind. 

Does this ever happen to you?

What is a Clairsentient empath?

The gift of sensing & feeling. This is the most common gift for empaths, because clairsentient empaths are feelers. You sense energetic fluctuations, vibrations, emotions, and thought forms. Energy impacts your aura and chakras, translating to various sensations, emotions, and physical reactions. It is crucial for you to understand this gift and learn how it impacts you. 

Does this ever happen to you?

What should you do if you have spiritual gifts?

Empowering yourself as an empath gives you the freedom to interpret the world through a refined lens, instead of feeling like everything is being thrown at you from multiple angles all at once.

The path you walk as an empath can welcome so many brilliant opportunities, but you are the only one who can decide to take that first step to freedom.

What is holding back your spiritual gifts?

  • Scarcity/lack consciousness

  • Narcissistic abuse

  • Toxic relationships

  • Inner child wounds

  • Shadow wounds

  • Fear

Are you ready to learn how to embrace your spiritual gifts and develop them? 

Can you imagine the life you are living when you understand how to protect your energy and intentionally connect with it?

Now, consider this question by leaning into your intuition:

 Are ready to activate & align with the unique magic of your empathic spiritual gifts?