Summer Solstice & Litha Blessings

astrology summer Jun 20, 2023
Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice has spiritual meaning...

Learn how how to embrace the Summer Solstice by decorating your summer alter & make a recipe for a midsummer simmer pot!

You are a being of light. Everything that your body craves has been sourced through the nourishment of light. There is a vortex, or pillar of light, that extends throughout your spinal column down to the center of our dear Earth Mother, and all the way up to the heavens.


Litha, or summer solstice, is a time to bask in the fullness and abundance of life that is being breathed into the northern hemisphere of the Earth. We embrace her bounty and the powerful magic that is extended through it.


Fairies and animals are busy at play, keeping nature in harmonious balance. Nature has bestowed her fruitfulness all around us, as we observe what is in bloom and what is flourishing all around us.


Allow your senses to be playfully activated, feeling into the gratitude of what is blossoming in your own world, and what has been provided for you along the way.


During the Winter Solstice, or Yule, we experience the shortest day of the year. It is a time for retreat and reflection. We recognize the stillness of the Earth around us, as nature is hibernating.


This is the opposite!


Sing, dance, play, swim, talk to the nature spirits, light candles, and make offerings to deities & spirits of the land. 


The Sun has been building its power across the skies of our world since December, and now it peaks. It’s very similar to watching the Moon go from its New phase into its Full phase. The energy climaxes, and a cycle has reached its completion.


Decorate your altar with: 

  • Yellow & orange candles, flowers, and ribbons
  • Fairies figurines & green moss
  • Plants: Mint, roses, calendula, chamomile, rosemary, hemp, and lavender
  • Crystals: Carnelian, sunstone, citrine, moss agate, and amber
  • Deities: Aine, Epona, Vesta, Xiuhtecuhtil, Ra, Bastet, Apollo


Click here for ideas on creating your own Midsummer Simmer Pot!


Extend gratitude to the Earth and Sky for the bounty of life that has been bestowed upon you, and Litha Blessings to you and yours!