Stepping Out of the Spiritual Closet
Mar 14, 2022
I use the term “spiritual closet'' for spiritual seekers and enthusiasts who are fearful of sharing their spiritual values and beliefs.
There’s various reasons why different people are afraid of stepping out of their “spiritual closet''. But, it essentially blocks your gifts and potential.
The person hiding out in there usually feels safer, because the vulnerability of coming out exposes them in a way that may disrupt a persona that they have portrayed to others.
Most people fear being judged by others, and just like your sexual orientation, your spirituality is a very intimate and sensitive side of who you are.
It is a personal & sacred relationship.
For me, it was breaking out of the religious box I was placed in. There was a specific mindset associated with my religious upbringing, even though so many in my family had broken their own religious doctrines with their choices.
To break the rules was one thing, but to break out and away was something altogether different.
My own personal spiritual closet housed me on and off for years. I would step out and quickly retreat back into its safety. There were certain people in my life, from the time I was a teenager, who knew I was reading Tarot cards, honoring the Full Moon with ceremony, and practicing chakra balancing on others.
But when I told my mom at 15 that I didn’t want to make my [Catholic] Confirmation, she was angry. She couldn’t understand that I wanted something different for myself and that my beliefs were not shared with her and every single other person in my family.
I was told, “It’s just what we do!”
However, I was not so easily convinced and had a desire to pave my own path to spiritual liberation.
Even though I became extremely passionate about my beliefs and practices, I also felt insecure and alone because I did not have the support of anyone I loved.
It was more than a closet. It was a revolving freaking door!
Being on a solitary spiritual journey, I had many questions & I was hungry for knowledge. I sought answers sitting on the floor of libraries and bookstores, snuggled up with stacks of metaphysical books.
I didn’t have my own computer, and I did not feel confident enough to navigate the new world wide web via “dial-up”.
And yet, I had transcended my physical 3D self, and time & space, while in deep meditation, or practicing healing work. BUT, I could not implement boundaries to save my life or trust my own decisions.
My waking walking reality made me feel like I had no idea who I really was.
How could I be these two different people? Soaring among the cosmos with confidence and ease, and also a helpless child who didn’t trust anyone or anything.
I realized that in order to fulfill the potential of my higher self, I had to acknowledge the helpless child. She had a voice and wanted to be seen and heard. She also wanted to catch up with the other parts of me that were soaring.
Being left behind made her furious, and that pulled me down hard and fast!
I would chase the experience of out of body meditation to escape the physical reality that brought me so much pain, but running from it was an escape that I would inevitably return from.
I had to deal with my wounds, scars, pain, fear, and limitations.
I would never emerge from the spiritual closet until I made myself more whole. I would never manifest my deepest desires into reality if I didn’t learn to understand myself - body, mind, heart, and soul.
Because, otherwise, the fear of what others thought, meeting their expectations, receiving their approval, and feeling validated would forever keep me wrapped tightly in the vile grips of codependency.
Spiritual liberation is not only the act of freely practicing your own spiritual path.
It is so much more. You are a spiritual being - body, mind, heart, and soul. Therefore, the true liberation comes with the understanding and love & acceptance of your own body, mind, heart, and soul.
That’s when I finally took complete ownership of myself.
I live in the truth of my own values and beliefs. I have released the need for permission and approval. I am responsible for myself and the energy I bring to every situation.
That is when spiritual freedom becomes spiritual mastery.
When you honor the truth of who you are authentically, the Universe recognizes this powerful vibration as it emanates from your aura. It responds with love, joy, abundance, and endless opportunities.
If you are struggling to emerge from the spiritual closet - I get it and I did it. My life would not be what it is today if I didn’t. I understand the fear, but I also invite you forward to live in your truth and be all you desire to be!
Repeat this affirmation: I am so grateful to be living in my own divine truth.
>> Do you need guidance and support to discover the truth of who you are and how that will impact the world around you, I’d love to hear from you!