Qualming with Commitment

abundance affirmations alignment alternative healing ascension aura authentic self awakening blessings challenges communication crystals delays dna activation ebb & flow emotional trauma empath empowerment energy centers evolution find your soul tribe freedom healing process high vibration inner child inner child wounds introspection know thyself meditation mindset limitations personal investment spiritual development Apr 18, 2022

Do you feel that it’s difficult to commit to your dreams, goals, and plans?

But then when it comes to the expectations of others, you jump in eyes wide shut, to support the goals, plans, and dreams of others?

Commitment isn't easy, and shouldn't be done without careful introspection.

It is a declaration of loyalty. 

A promise of dedication.

All too often we commit to things because it's what we think we want at the time, or what we think someone else wants from us.

Throughout the timeframe of any commitment you make, your will may be tested, as well as your passion and endurance.

How about committing to yourself?

Whether it be living healthier, breaking a toxic habit, or learning something new, your ability to commit directly affects the results.

Mindset really matters here, AND I find that it’s always harder to make that commitment when you don’t recognize the true value of your worth. 

You may have asked yourself before, "Why is this so hard??"

BUT, if you are living with low self esteem, are a hostage to your fears, and feel scattered for the majority of your day, then it’s time to find your own alignment with the Universe. 

By learning to trust & develop your gifts, standing in your power, and speaking your truth, your true alignment to the Universe becomes clear.

Staying stuck in an old outdated story, is not the life that was intended for you to live.

So many of us were taught that to be loyal to yourself is to be selfish, often leading to feelings of guilt and remorse.

Embrace yourself to heal yourself.

When you commit to yourself, your dreams and goals, you send a message of self love and respect out into the Universe. Then, that returns that energy back into your life with loving and respecting interactions, which in turn open doors of high vibrational opportunities.

Emanating with love and gratitude into the world, returns love and gratitude to you with amplified abundance!

Can you feel how magical the Universe is in its infinite wisdom, constantly offering a way to align to its blessings?

I knew long ago that I would never reach my goals until I got serious about making the changes that I needed to to reach them. 

I had to learn how to love and trust myself, set strong boundaries and use the word “no”, self nourish with rest and take time away, releasing needless guilt and fear, and putting myself first.

Over the past 4 years I quit smoking, gave up alcohol, and became a vegetarian. I hold firm boundaries with love and honesty, practice gratitude daily, forgive myself and others, and nurture the shit out myself - body, mind, and spirit.

I also set goals, and align myself to meet them with grace and honor.

Try using the mantra: "I follow through by committing to myself first."

Crystals I recommend working with to foster commitment are:

  • Garnet
  • Tiger's Eye
  • Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Pyrite
  • Labradorite
  • Carnelian

Notice the colors of these crystals are reflective of the lower chakras of the body. If you struggle with commitment, focus on the root, sacral, and solar plexus for clearing, healing, and activation.

Commitment to oneself is not easy, but is essential for being the master of your own life.

And it’s time to follow through for you!