New Moon in Cancer - July 17
Jul 08, 2023
The new moon in Cancer 2023 happens on July 17th.
Learn about the new moon in Cancer meaning and this self care ritual to step into your power.
New Moons are a time for creation, and with the Moon transiting its native sign this month, it is the perfect opportunity to creatively nurture your desires. The major planetary relationships to observe at this time is with Neptune and Pluto, both of which are currently in retrograde.
In addition, the lunar node alignment is progressing backwards along the Aries-Libra axis. It will remain here until early 2025!
The sign of Cancer is represented by the crab - the hardest shelled crustacean in the ocean. Its exterior is extremely tough and is designed to protect the soft flesh within. Cancer is cautious to trust because they are extremely slow to reveal their sensitive vulnerability.
It is a sign of nurturing, care, comfort, the mother archetype, and home. Its support lends to the start of new projects and activating the sacred feminine within us all. It is a safe haven for childlike wonder, curiosity, and play!
Wondering what to expect with new moon in Cancer?
With the harmonizing effects of Neptune in retrograde, you may notice an uptick of intuitive abilities and psychic awareness. The energy around you may feel extra amplified with this dynamic. It’s a great time to be inspired and pay attention to what is being revealed in your dreams.
While in this watery flow of these enthusiastic emotions, you may feel guided to also protect your energy. It’s important that the opposing alignment with Pluto in retrograde, that you try not to let yourself be deceived by illusions. There may be a power struggle with you attempting to launch into something that is obstructed by outside obstacles.
It’s important to tap into your spiritual gifts to harness your sacred wisdom, so you can set into motion the wheels of change. The 777 portal has divinely aligned you to a higher purpose. You may feel yourself being called to take action here. Listen to your intuition and trust yourself most of all.
The best new moon in cancer ritual,
Cleanse yourself in a bath, lake, stream, or ocean to set your New Moon intentions from a clear slate, and use this a powerful point of attraction to step into your power!