My Life as a Medium
Apr 04, 2022
As a medium, not everyone is ready to hear what you have to say.
I encourage you to release the ego, and allow the natural flow of your own mediumship to guide you.
When I was a little girl I had experienced many unexplained encounters, and always felt drawn to the metaphysical. And even though I began practicing energy work and reading Tarot cards as a teenager, I never considered myself to be a medium.
To be honest, I watched movies like “Ghost” and “The Sixth Sense”, thinking to myself how incredible it would be to communicate with the spirit world like that. I had counted myself “out” in having mediumistic abilities because they didn’t look like the people in TV shows and the movies.
But the truth is that I’ve always been a natural medium. I simply trapped myself in the box because of stereotypes and how Hollywood sensationalized this gift.
Experiences I had, like the “light people” who used to come and visit me when I was around 5 and 6 years old. They would teach me how to make rainbows with my hands. At first they scared me, but I realized that they were there to help me and were my friends.
I called them the “light people” because they had human figures, with a head, body, and appendages, BUT they glowed with a beautiful light that surrounded them.
When I tried explaining this I was told that they weren’t real, and only part of my imagination.
I remember not being able to sleep at my father’s 18th century New England farmhouse because I could feel spirits watching me. I could feel energy fluctuations in different rooms and their presence around me. However, my observations were not taken seriously and dismissed.
Over years of being told that something is not real and only in your head, you begin to believe it.
You begin to create a story around what other people tell you is true and not true. You begin to shape your beliefs and values around this story, and it impacts your entire perspective of life and the world around you.
I had a lot of challenges to overcome, a lot of wounds to heal, and a lot of me to discover. BUT, when I did, holy smokes!!
The flood gates opened at rapid fire speed and the spirits gathered.
I started sensing them at random times and in completely random places! I could be at the store, a friend's house, or walking outside, and get the feeling of Spirit.
I feel that each person with mediumistic gifts must understand the way Spirit wishes to communicate with them. For me, I can sense them, hear them, and also see them in my mind’s eye.
You may find that your connection is a little different. This is why I encourage you not to put yourself in the box that I found myself in many years ago.
I’ve been in many situations where I could see someone’s spirit guide with them or a loved one from the other side, but kept it to myself because they did not know I am a medium, and I didn’t want to cross a boundary with someone who did not ask for it.
I’m a big believer in boundaries, morals, and ethics.
As a medium, not everyone is ready to hear what you have to say. You can absolutely express to others what your gifts are, in fact, I highly encourage stepping out of the spiritual closet. BUT, providing sensitive information, when not solicited, is a slippery slope.
Unfortunately, in our westernized culture, death is often viewed as something morbid, and the spirit world scary and abnormal, when really it is a very natural and beautiful part of life.
However, I find that when you understand your own perspective of death and the spirit world, you begin to understand your gifts with a profound clarity.
There is always something lurking in the subconscious or unconscious mind that sways us in certain directions. The more that you can be honest with yourself about your feelings, thoughts, values, and beliefs, the more you can be true to your gifts and explore them in their most authentic state.
I believe that most individuals have an inherent ability to sense and communicate with beings that are outside of the three-dimensional world that is governed by the five senses.
There is a non-physical reality that surrounds us, and beautiful beings that exist there wanting to share their love, wisdom, and healing energy with us.
Everyone’s mediumistic abilities will vary. Some mediums hear clearly, and some sense and feel. You may have more than one way of experiencing this connection, while also seeing them in your mind’s eye, or just knowing that they are there with you.
There are many parallels between your experiences with the physical world around you and the spirit world. For instance, if you struggle with boundaries in your human relationships, chances are you will face challenges with exercising boundaries with the spirit world, too.
I encourage you to release the ego, and allow the natural flow of your own mediumship to guide you. Release expectations and what you “think” should be based on what you observed someone else do, or what you watched in a movie.
Discover the magic you possess within your own natural abilities and discover what is possible when you surrender and release control.
Spirit is everywhere. Can you feel it?