Mercury Retrograde Invites You to Tie Up Loose Ends of 2021

alignment alternative healing aquarius ascension astrological chart astrology authentic self awaken capricorn communication delays emotional trauma empath introspection meditation mercury retrograde planetary planets reclaim your power rejuvenate relationships self reflect spiritual growth spiritual journey Jan 14, 2022

Beginning January 14th in the freedom loving sign of Aquarius, and stationing direct on February 3 in methodical Capricorn, this Mercury Retrograde invites us to tie up loose ends from 2021 and get organized!

(Welcome to tax season!)

And, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling it. My fingers are sliding all over the keyboard this morning, making errors of grammar and punctuation, as I try to allow thoughts and ideas to flow without hesitation. UGH.

BUT every time I have to correct a mistake, I feel that stream is becoming more and more choppy LOL!

Mercury retrograde is a natural planetary transit that takes place 3-4 times each year.

Planets do not actually change their orbit, and they never go backwards! However, during what we call “retrograde” (rx) what is actually happening is an optical illusion based on the different rates of speed for the planets involved. 

Every planet rotates and circulates the Sun at different speeds. The changes between Earth and the other planets is translated based on their speed and angles.

The retrograde creates the appearance of the planet moving backwards, and that vibration produces a particular frequency that can create challenges associated with the characteristics ruled by that planet.

Because Mercury is the planet that rules over intellect, thoughts, communication, travel, technology, and contracts, it will challenge these areas of our life to shine a cosmic light on what needs to be adjusted for growth.

Retrogrades are a way of saying - you're stuck in the same old story, therefore, we need to shake things up in that story so it can evolve!

In order to move forward and evolve, we must examine who we are and understand ourselves more deeply.

Take time over the next few weeks, not to get frustrated or discouraged, but to learn!!

If something upsets you or feels stuck, take a deep breath and center your energy.

Take a step back and understand that this hurdle is here for a reason, and you overcoming it with grace and gratitude welcomes abundance and expansion of the self.

Mercury retrograde is a great time to slow down and stay close to home.

Because most individuals report miscommunication, misadventure, issues with technology, forgetting important details, and delays in travel and contracts, this particular retrograde is better served in a place that feels safe and comforting.

Of course it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t travel, sign contracts, talk to people, or have an adventure! But it does mean that before you do any of these things create a mental checklist that helps you execute your direction with clarity and conciseness.  

By doing this, you are eliminating room for error. It’s probably a good idea to have back up plans as well. Like I said, this transit is about tying up loose ends and getting organized. 

If you opt to stay indoors, try to make time for meditation & journaling, exercise & yoga. Take long baths with cleansing salts and essential oils. Be sure to stay extra hydrated and get plenty of rest when you need it.

Review, reevaluate, and reassess now.

Thrive, grow, and expand later.