Mars Enters Virgo - Trust the Process
Jul 08, 2023
Mars enters Virgo on July 10th until August 27th.
Learn what Mars in Virgo means and three spiritual practices you should do to feel more calm.
On July 10, be ready to integrate a more detail-oriented approach to life. After spending 6 weeks in expressive and passionate Leo, you may feel a bit more inclined to slow your pace and analyze every meticulous step forward
Mars is the fourth closest planet to the Sun and represents action in astrology - hence the whole Roman god of War symbolism. It is the drive to move towards something, and the sign that it’s moving through represents the methods of how you do it. It is the strategy and the action taken.
If you're wondering how Mars in Virgo will affect the different zodiac signs...
Some signs are going to amplify the drive of Mars’ energy, while others can slow things down and delay progress. This will typically come down to Earth & Water signs, since Mars is rooted in a fiery nature.
While transiting the mutable, earth sign of Virgo, the dynamic is going to be quite different than in fixed, fire Leo.
It's important to know what the Mars in Virgo meaning is...
Virgo is represented by “the Virgin” or “the Maiden”. She is pure, wise, and of service. This sign is known for hospitality, kindness, and support. There is a focus on physical well being, practicing self care, and properly nourishing the body. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is a natural analyzer and advice giver.
However, Virgo can also be stubborn and get lost in the details of perfectionism that can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors. The part of the body that this sign rules is the intestines.
I know many Virgo’s who often complain of digestive issues and frequent nervous tummy symptoms.
Look out for what to expect during Mars in Virgo...
For the next six weeks, you may notice a more cautious approach to trying new things. You may notice a shift in your focus outwards, to your focus inwards. This is a great opportunity to work on your routine of healthy eating, getting more physical activity, even reading new books!
As you spend more time self-nourishing, you will be more keen to clearly see what others around you need. Taking care of yourself first allows you to replenish your own cup, so that you can be of a higher and more authentic level of service to others.
Try these three spiritual practices during Mars in Virgo...
Journaling will help you to process your thoughts more proficiently so that you feel more calm and capable of taking action when the time is right.
This is a great time to also strengthen your solar plexus chakra.
Work with the golden-yellow crystal citrine in meditations and wear it on your person to attract more joy and abundance into your life.
Be patient with your process, but don't be afraid to try something new!