Lion's Gate Portal 2023 - Manifesting Magic
Jul 24, 2023
Magical manifestations approach as we prepare to transit the most abundant of celestial gateways of the year - the Lion’s Gate Portal!
We guide you through the different Lion's Gate Rituals including manifesting, decorating your altar, and practicing gratitude.
When is the Lion's Gate Portal?
The portal opens on July 26, peaks on August 8, and then closes on August 12, until next year. But there is SO much more to Lion’s Gate to know, and understanding its ancient roots encourages an even stronger alignment to its power!
We observe the Sun travel across the sky throughout the year, and if you are a stargazer like me, you take note of particular alignments that direct us toward different cosmic & spiritual truths to enrich our soul’s development.
This time of year, the northern hemisphere is referred to as the “dog days of summer”. It is something you’ve probably heard thousands of times, but perhaps didn’t know the true interpretation.
The ”dog days of summer” refer to the time when constellation Canis Major is visible in the sky. The great star of Sirius is located in the upper region of this constellation, marking a new beginning and rebirth to the ancient Egyptians.
When Canis Major, more specifically Sirius, was introduced to the morning sky once again, the great Nile River of Egypt would begin to rise. It symbolized a return to fertility, creation, abundance, and new life to the people of this region.
Even though the Lions Gate Portal to Sirius is more widely recognized within ancient Egyptian culture, even to this day, Sirius received its name from the Greeks. The Greeks and Egyptians shared much astrological wisdom, astronomical translations were synonymous in many ways between the two ancient cultures.
However, the Greeks and Romans saw this time of year as a more of a challenge, because the weather could be problematic for crops, and so they often made offerings and sacrifices to the gods to ease their burdens.
“Seirios” is the Greek root of Sirius, meaning “scorching” or “burning”. In fact, Sirius is twice the size of our ownSun, and about 25x brighter. That’s pretty spectacular!
The Egyptians, on the other hand, honored and recognized the goddess of fertility, Sopdet, who was believed to hail from Sirius, as well as the great god Osirus, brother-husband to Isis.
The spiritual connection to the “dog star" activates a powerful galactic portal of light and transmutes incredible energy onto this planet, helping you to align with your deepest desires and manifesting great bounties of abundance in your world.
Felines have always been a great fixture to the ancient Egyptians, holding incredible power and influence. Observe the Great Sphinx and feline deities, such as Bastet and Sekhmet. The zodiac sign of Leo represented by the lion is ruled by the Sun, personifying luxury, creative expression, generosity, abundance, pride, power, and strength.
In fact, based on scientific evidence, it is now believed that the Great Sphinx was constructed in the age of Leo, determined by the timeframe of construction and the direction of the sky that it faces - the constellation of Leo!
The Egyptians were master mathematicians whose calculations with astronomical alignments were extremely precise and lined up with multiple structures on particular days, including that of Sirius and Orion’s belt.
Lion's Gate 8/8 Meaning
When you add the synchronistic 8/8 to the mix, it is a time heralded by great spiritual power!
In astrology, the eighth house symbolizes power, transformation, the occult, and sex. In numerology eight represents a never ending and continuous cycle of energy circulating - it is infinite. In Tarot, the eight in the major arcana is the “Strength” card, which features a woman taming a lion. She has the infinity symbol over her head, meaning her strength from within can overcome the most wild and ferocious of beasts.
What to do during the Lion’s Gate Portal
Prepare for ascension upgrades to the heart and spine: Leo rules over these two specific areas, and with the major upgrades occurring, these two are no exception! Prepare for heart opening shifts and recoding to your spinal column, which connects to every single area of your body through a miraculous network of communication.
Embrace your inner Leo
Wildly colorful and courageous is the mantra right now! Express yourself and allow yourself to play center stage in your own manifestations. Lean into generosity, love, light, abundance, and personal power!
Lion's Gate Rituals
Lion's Gate Manifestation
Adjust your mindset to manifestation mode by acknowledging your ability to create. Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts, so allow those thoughts to shine brightly with joy and happiness! Write out your desires and align in deep trust with the Universe, your manifestations are coming alive!
Lion's Gate Portal Practice Gratitude
Reflect on your life with a deep sense of appreciation, and the knowing that all things are interconnected. Your ability to experience heartfelt gratitude is an instant shift in vibration, raising your consciousness into Christ Light frequencies, attracting more beauty and love into your world
Lions Gate Altar
Decorate Your Altar in GOLD: This is a time that is filled with golden energy! The rich color of abundance, the Sun, and the Lion, fuel the energy of luxury, glamor, gratitude, manifestations, the first golden grains harvest of summer (Lughnasadh/Lammas Sabbat August 1-3).
This year August will experience two full super moons, the first is in Aquarius on August 1, and the second is on August 30 in Pisces!