July 2023 Astrological Forecast
Jun 28, 2023
Are you asking yourself what is happening astrologically in 2023?
Learn how the most important astrology dates of July will impact you this month with the first full moon of the summer, Venus moves into Retrograde, 777 portal and the Lion's Gate portal opens.
July 2-3 - Capricorn Full Moon
Take responsibility, be accountable, release the blocks, and embrace the opportunities that show up! You may have been feeling like you've been climbing a mountain lately. Unload non-essential things so you can climb higher faster. The summit awaits you!
Learn more about Capricorn Full Moon meaning.
July 7 - 777 Portal
This is a 7 year, so it's more like the 7/7/7 portal! Ascension energies lead to spiritual growth and mental/emotional wholeness. Embrace what is shifting, you are leveling up!
Learn more about the 777 portal - the sirius gateway
July 9 - Last Quarter Moon in Aries
Use your passionate drive to purge non serving behaviors and patterns. The more you are ready to release the more you will heal, grow, and attract.
July 10 - Mars enters Virgo
Action oriented Mars demonstrates a more service oriented and hospitable approach to life. Focus on health, fitness, and nutrition. This transit is great for improving your health!
Learn more about Mars in Virgo
July 11 - Mercury enters Leo
This is a placement of elaborate thoughts, ideas, and communication, which can lead to dramatic situations. Express yourself creatively and with confidence, but try to resist gossip & toxic situations.
July 17 - New Moon in Cancer
A time for nurturing, comfort, and sensitivity. Open your heart to the femininity of the New Moon to support the gentle development of your creations.
Learn more about New Moon in Cancer
July 22 - Sun enters Leo
This season is for lavish displays of expression. Be playful and carefree. Release drama and cultivate your personal power by taking ownership of who you are!
July 22 - Venus Retrograde in Leo
Be cautious of overspending and overindulging in food, drink, and entertainment. Reevaluate your budget and financial goals. Be honest and open about your true feelings with your partner or intimate relationships.
July 23 - Chiron Retrograde in Aries
A period of deep inner reflection and healing is upon you. You may feel emotional triggers to the inner child. Face the truth, and step in as an authority, not a victim.
July 25 - First Quarter Moon in Libra
Balance your inner and outer worlds to harmonize your plans. A diplomatic approach is needed here to finish what you started.
July 27 - Lion’s Gate Portal Opens
This is one of the most powerful portals of the entire year! It will open you up to divine awareness, personal power, spiritual activations, manifestations, and massive abundance! This portal peaks on 8/8, and closes on 8/12.
July 28 - Mercury enters Virgo
This transit will employ your deep wisdom and the critical analysis of your mind to interpret the details in your world. There is an air of meticulousness, caution, and order to how ideas and thoughts may be communicated.