Intense Lunar Eclipse to Inspire Self Love
Nov 16, 2021
On Friday, November 19, 2021 we will experience the longest lunar eclipse in centuries! Even though it is only a partial eclipse, it will herald intense emotions and the drive to find stability and security. Observe self-love.
Lunar eclipses are well known for their capabilities to catalyze deep emotional change, closing old chapters and opening new one - especially in the department of relationships.
So what exactly is a Lunar Eclipse. It occurs when the Sun and Moon are 180° apart, the Earth sitting perfectly between them. This alignment blocks the Sun’s light from illuminating the Moon fully, as it usually does each Full Moon.
The intense vibration of this line up activates a more intense energy than the average Full Moon that can pull to the surface deep feelings and emotions.
This Lunar Eclipse sits in the strong and stable earth sign of Taurus. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is represented by the bull. It is a fixed sign, representing devout purpose and determination. It is sensual and appreciates beauty, ruled by the planet Venus. The bull moves patiently, but with great purpose. Beware of possessiveness and jealousy, it is the opposite of unconditional love.
Isn't it interesting how this transit occurs one week after the highly concentrated energy of last week’s 11/11 light portal?
This divine portal supports collective return to sacred purpose and wisdom. It activated galactic codes of ascension, providing spiritual evolution of the collective consciousness on our planet.
These powerful activations reach deeply within your soul’s blueprint to support the remembrance of your own divine light and presence, helping you to step more firmly into that state of consciousness.
Now, with this intense Taurus Lunar Eclipse, we are feeling the emotional effects of these shifts ripple throughout our mind, body, and soul. As the 11/11 portal closed, you may have experienced a time of integration and are now welcoming in deep emotional transformation.
Lunar eclipses tend to feel a bit more uncomfortable than solar eclipses, but the climax of this eclipse will indicate a need for security and stability. The Taurus-Venus influence may highlight what needs to be valued and to release what is no longer aligning with your divine purpose. This will most likely be showcased in the arena of intimate relationships and finances.
It can be challenging to obtain instant gratification during a Lunar Eclipse, especially in the persevering sign of Taurus. BUT, this will benefit you long term if you honor your needs and are willing to be in the flow of the Universe.
Allow your feelings to rise to the surface and observe them carefully. Do not discard them out of fear or trepidation, but allow. Just as water travels in a natural current, so does life. It is impossible to move backwards, however forward motion should not always be viewed as consistent and comfortable.
This will help you source a deeper sense of self-love within yourself that is uncompromising.
Consider and contemplate these 3 thoughts:
- Is there a relationship that is holding me back from my authentic self?
- What deep transformational change am I being called to fully honor?
- How do I want my life to feel in 6 months from now?
Remember, the deepest and most authentic love in your life is the love you direct within. It sets the framework for every other relationship and how you love outside of yourself.
Embrace your light and divinity.
Shine from within.
Be true to you.