Honor Thyself
Jan 30, 2022
I'm curious. Were you taught to be polite, be of service, know your place, be pleasing, and not speak unless spoken to?
Do you feel like your voice isn’t important, your needs are unacknowledged & unimportant, or that setting boundaries makes you selfish?
Patterns are hard to break, and cycles do not break themselves until you break them.
I had to work really hard to find my way back to me, because by endlessly caring for others and feeling responsible for their wants and needs, my identity was lost to them.
Although, for many years, I caught rare glimpses of who I truly am. I witnessed my own power and abilities. It felt like stepping into an authentic truth - it felt euphoric, like everything made complete sense and was crystal clear.
It’s like being in a deep meditation that has the power to transcend you from space and time, only to hear your phone ring or someone knock on the door. You become jolted out of it, and crave to reclaim that consciousness.
That’s the only way I can describe it because it was short lived.
I would feel these moments of pure clarity, knowing exactly who I am, only to be yanked from that to cater to someone else. These demands pulled on my energy, but it was also the only thing I knew.
So, even though it was draining me, I thought it was more important to honor the expectations of others, as to not experience confrontation, guilt, or disappointment.
These emotions are very heavy and conflicting for empaths.
So not only did I have no boundaries, live in self doubt, fear, and compromised identity, but my inner dialogue reflected a great lack of love and acceptance of who I was.
I felt an empty vessel wearing 15 different masks to get through life.
As I felt the great winds of change impacting my life, I experienced a great shift of consciousness that opened the doors to awareness.
I began noticing how my body responded to experiences with others. Did I feel tense, nauseous, tired? Or, did I feel at ease, joy, and empowered?
As I began noticing how my thoughts and emotions ran through my body, I began realizing how much of myself I was giving away, with very little left. And what I had given was nowhere near my best, because I felt anxious, tired, and resentful.
I recognized a huge lack of boundaries with an inability to communicate my own needs, constantly doubting myself. I lacked self respect and self worth.
Enough was enough.
Right then and there, I made a commitment to myself that I would honor, respect & nourish myself. I started to invest in my life and my future, and became a Reiki Master Teacher.
I read many books, attended several workshops, and dedicated time to truly learning who I am. I gave my inner child the attention it deserved and observed my emotional triggers.
I noticed that as I cared for myself and set boundaries, I began to trust myself and my magic began growing significantly, ascending my consciousness greatly. My psychic abilities became more sharpened, as well as my mediumistic and healing abilities.
It slowly shifted the dynamic between myself and others. The more that I learned how to truly care for myself the better I could care for others.
I felt happy and confident, and that made me more and more the mother and wife I wanted to be. I felt stronger, and could trust my intuition.
I was developing and expanding myself through healing.
I now stand in my power unapologetically. I no longer ask permission to be who I am, and the self respect I have nourished within myself, has no time for settling for anything less than I deserve.
I live a life blending with spirit, filled with love, abundance, and gratitude.
The road to get here was not easy, but it was worth every last bit because I cannot begin to imagine what my life would look like to this day if I did not honor myself.
I now stand in the ancient wisdom that runs through my veins.
I teach Empaths to redirect their self limiting beliefs and step into their unique brand of magic, so they can develop self trust and boundaries.
I take Empaths from fear to freedom.
You can have excuses or results, but you can't have both.
Are you ready to take my hand?