Gemini New Moon
Jun 17, 2023
June 18th 2023 is the Gemini new moon!
Learn how this 2023 Gemini new moon will affect your summer and chakras to reinvent yourself!
It’s time to rewrite the old story. New Moon in Gemini beckons you to release the old thoughts and the old story you have been telling.
Your mind is the most active part of who you are. It is generating thoughts, ideas, and stories all the time.
The mutable air sign Gemini is ruled by fast-moving Mercury. Both sign and planet govern over communication, contracts, ideas, versatility, and intellect.
With every New Moon we are gifted a new beginning, an opportunity to plant new seeds of creation to be nurtured over the next 28 days. As this lunation takes effect, activate your third eye and throat chakra to reinvent yourself by persevering the limitations of your own mind.
Telling your new story allows a new reality to take shape in your life. Continue to support it with positive thoughts and direction. The planets that have the biggest impact on this New Moon want to enhance it.
Mercury sextile Venus - this is a positive transit that supports diplomatic and charming communication. You may be feeling more affectionate during this time and excited to be socializing with friends and family. This is a great aspect to connect with others and resolve any conflicts harmoniously.
Jupiter sextile Saturn - These two powerhouse planets are usually moving their energy in opposite directions. Jupiter craves adventure, growth, and success, while Saturn is more cautious and practical about its endeavors. Together they are a partnership of both realism and expansion. Saturn begins its retrograde track in Pisces on June 17th – Click here for the Saturn Rx forecast!
A new wisdom is taking shape in you right now. The many lessons that have been learned recently will lend providence and comfort at the eye of your ever changing world. Seize all opportunities for change, because that is the path to your future.
The groundwork has been laid - reinforce your foundation & create your world!
Click here to join The Witchy Nook, and take part in a powerful Gemini New Moon ceremony to anchor in your intentions, and align with the new story you are telling!