Feminine Frequencies & Archetypes
May 16, 2024
At the heart of who you are there is a goddess frequency.
There’s really so much about this being that you can’t put into words.
She’s glistening with everything you could ever imagine the most sovereign feminine figure in the Universe is. The most interesting thing about her is that she was not created out of a necessity. She was born through a natural spark of feminine magic, from the ethers, so potent is the sacred womb from which she emerged. And she is YOU.
What is so inspiring about her is that she can accomplish anything, and you don’t even know she exists, or understand the true authenticity of her power. I think it’s hard to imagine that something so soft, so gentle, so gracefully in receiving, magnetic, peaceful, cyclical, sensual, and distinctively gorgeous, could be an influential component of your soul’s natural blueprint.
There are other archetypes that I have clearly witnessed being developed over time out of necessity.
For instance, the Queen Bee archetype is the BOSS who gets everything done. She’s making big moves to continue her momentum, and maintain control. She governs through authority and responsibility. Dutiful and dedicated to her mission, but can often put up a wall to protect her path. She forgets that it's ok to ask for help, and that she doesn't only have herself to rely on. She will have to work with the goddess energy to align these energetics more cohesively back into place.
The Valkyrie archetype is a very BADASS version of yourself. She’s tough, strong, courageous, and territorial. She’s a strong advocate for her convictions, and will go beyond to protect others from perceived injustices. Sometimes she forgets that she doesn't always need to wear her armor to show up for the world. She is sassy and can use sarcasm to trade for a more passive emotional exchange. She's always ready for battle, so she drains of energy quickly and doesn't know why. Her alliance with the goddess will help her see where the true battle is, that most of life is not, and how to release the armor. How to save it for when there is a true purpose to show the world your sword and shield.
The Alchemist is the mystical healer who can transmute energy and pivot in a moment’s notice. She is a cultivation of energy that can shift experiences for herself and others, by understanding the mechanics of energy, especially within the quantum fields. There is a deep trust within her that she is connected to all things, and all strings of energetic frequencies that stream through the Universe. She is a master manifestor and when she is out of emotional alignment, can manifest things that are undesirable. She can find it difficult to get out of her own way, especially when she gets lost in thought. Thoughts are not needed in this archetype - everything is energy, feeling, psychic connection, intuition, and flow. She will be so much more potent in her manifestations working with the goddess. There is an unshakable trust between these two sister archetypes.
The developed archetypes can be sourced from two different versions of you: the princess & the shadow princess.
The Princess archetype is beaming with maiden energy that is curious, gentle, and playful. She is deeply connected to her own innocence, inquisitive and studying the world around her. She is tender hearted and can feel somewhat of the inspiration Disney had in mind when designing his own princess archetype. She can function independently, or add to the creative nuances experienced through the goddess, alchemist, queen bee, and valkyrie.
There is a hunger, a desire for more, a rebel spirit that is in search of delicious & exquisite LIFE itself. Paired with the other advanced archetypes will make this combination one with limitless potential within the creative fields of the quantum because of the heart centered innocence and light that is pure magic in this world.
The Shadow Princess is activated through the disappointment and hurt that the princess experiences in her own development. As one who is divine, innocent, and also human, the journey ahead is filled with a deep calling to remember the true essence of her soul. The purpose of the lessons and the navigation of her own emotions, will, and strength to continue learning, healing, and evolving over an entire lifetime.
Without the virtuous teachings and guidance of emotional intelligence, patience, truth, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and most of all, unconditional love - her journey will provide many identities. And those identities will also further break down into other identities. More about this in my next blog ;)
It’s actually quite remarkable to consider.
It has taken so much to bring you here to the now, in this space, reading this.
Really breathe that in, and contemplate how many versions have been created to protect you, defend you, relate to others, conceal a secret, punish or judge in haste, feel guilt and shame, experience embarrassment, ignore a feeling, censor a truth, dream, desire, care, survive, keep moving, keep trying, nourish, establish a dialogue, try again, and finally be ready to take the leap.
This goes so much deeper, and you can begin to see how these archetypes have advanced themselves into your world as different identities to make your life work.
I think one of the most interesting things about identity work is playing with the different experiences that paved a way for these identities to step forward. The ideas that we think that we are functioning the way we were taught, so why does it feel so hard?
"You said that if I was a good girl I would have a happy life, that things would be good..."
Well, wtf is this?!?
It’s because your emotions and thoughts may not have been guided towards self-examination, contemplating emotions and experiences, and develop more mature viewpoints so that you could persevere, and to hold the duality of who you are and your world in grace.
The goddess dwells within, not without.
You don’t have to go outside of yourself to find her, she’s not lost, and you’re not broken.
This creates a lot of problems for us because it entangles us in situations that we cannot resolve, feelings that never get processed, and a lot of self limitations based on unevolved belief codes that exist in a matrix of trapped energy within your world.
There are truly important values to each archetype.
Archetypes offer us different gears to shift into, so we can save more energy, execute quicker, have more confidence, courage, better communication, deeper intimacy, trust, prosperity, connection, authority, and so much more!
Practice observing who is showing up at different times of the day, whether you’re at work, at home with your family, out on an adventure, practicing self-care, cooking & eating, as well as how safe you feel being intimate with your partner.
Feminine embodiment and consciousness development work that I do for women has connected so many women with their truth, purpose, and aligned them to the happiness that is already available to them in their current lives. They just didn’t know how to access it - or should I say access HER.
- Can you feel her stirring?
- Does she wish to be awakened from her long hibernation?
- What message does she have for you?
- How will you answer the call?
I'd love to connect with you, and it's not too late to join my revolutionary movement for feminine consciousness within my Elle Empire, Inc. brand - SACRED!
Contact my team via email by CLICKING HERE!
Much love,
Renee xx
Follow me on Instagram: @elle_empire_inc. & @thevalkyriemystic
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