Embracing Your Inner Child
Jan 24, 2022
The inner child is a traumatized part of your psyche that would have experienced suffering in the developmental years.
Inner child healing is a very personal journey that requires patience, kindness, and commitment. But, this practice of self healing is done through nurturing and comfort. Show the inner child deep love and embrace them with your heart.
When Jennifer met me she wanted a psychic reading. She explained how she was really stuck in her own life, scared for the future. So much uncertainty and fear, she was almost always anxious.
She couldn’t sense what was ahead of her, and lacked the confidence to seek it or regain focus.
It was not especially clear to her until we began our session, that she was being haunted by memories of her childhood that were locked in her unconscious. Everything that was suppressing her ability to trust or feel safe, was really her inner child crying out.
Jennifer had consistently attracted relationships that were toxic and partners that were disrespectful and controlling. And, she was deeply empathic, carrying the affliction of not only her own wounds, but the wounds of others as well.
She was doubting herself constantly and lacked boundaries. She was in constant people pleasing mode, looking for validation through the external conditions of other people’s happiness.
She asked me, “Why is everything so hard?”
“Why do I feel the way that I do?”
As an empath and psychic medium I could feel into her suffering and began communicating with Spirit.
I caringly replied, “You are bearing the burden of many old traumas that are calling out for attention to be healed, and your inner children are very upset. They feel neglected, but I can help you heal with them, and love them.”
Jennifer catered to the needs of others, feeling so responsible for their feelings and thoughts, that she had completely neglected her own. She was completely out of alignment, and her inner child was being massively triggered by it.
However, by helping her isolate some of the events that had taken place in her earlier years, she began to understand how they were impacting the current direction of her life, and had been for many years.
And then, the inner child healing process began.
The inner child is a traumatized part of your psyche that would have experienced suffering in the developmental years. There are endless scenarios of how this could have shown up in your life, but either way the trauma greatly influenced your thoughts and how they flow through your consciousness.
Those influenced thoughts become a sub part of the personality in the unconscious mind. These thoughts will feel based in fear and can trigger resentment, anger, procrastination, sadness, abandonment, anxiety, and isolation.
When you encounter emotional triggers, this is likely the inner child feeling impacted. This is the part of the unconscious mind that is triggered and reacts. You may even ask yourself, "Why did I react that way? Where did that come from?"
Your inner child is a part of you and goes with you everywhere. Yup! You’re taking them to work, into relationships, when you travel, out to dinner with friends, everywhere!
Start by paying attention to how many things disrupt the flow of your day. Observe these triggers and ask yourself:
- What upsets you about it?
- How does it make you feel?
- How did you react?
- What does it remind you of?
Healing work is free from blaming, the goal is observation and acceptance. If those are challenging for you it’s a good idea to work with someone who can provide you with support, guidance, and validation.
It's ok to feel upset or angry at someone who may have hurt you, but blaming them only distracts you from working on the most important person - YOU! Feel the feelings, but detach from the person that may have been involved.
Set them free, and you set yourself free.
The wounded inner child can inhibit development throughout your adult years by:
- Becoming a people pleaser
- Avoiding conflict or confrontation
- Not finishing what you start
- Attracting narcissistic/toxic relationships
- Codependency and/or addictive behaviors
- Identity crisis/midlife crisis
- Self doubt and low self esteem
- Poor communication
In the 20 or so years I have been doing my own inner child work there have been many tears, some anger, and a lot of acceptance.
This is the kind of self healing that will open your consciousness to the world around you in a very different way. It has the power to completely up level your reality and shift your perspective.
If you are afraid to go after what you want in life and live your dreams, ask yourself why?
If you were not afraid of anything, what would your life look like?
Is your inner child crying out for attention?
Inner child healing is a very personal journey that requires patience, kindness, and commitment. But, this practice of self healing is done through nurturing and comfort. Show the inner child deep love and embrace them with your heart.
Dance in the rain and giggle your heart out!
The more inner child work you do, the more and more whole you will become; ready to approach life with confidence and trust!
Inner child healing will raise your spiritual vibration, organically manifesting:
- Abundance
- Boundaries
- Success & prosperity
- Balanced relationships
- Health & wellness
- Confidence
- Self-trust
- Independence & freedom
- Assertive communication
- Powerful access to your gifts
My inner child has taught me many things about who I am, challenging me to overcome fear and step into freedom.
I invite you to do the same!
If you feel you are ready to heal your wounds, develop trust and reinforce your boundaries, click here to schedule a complimentary assessment.
This free call will provide you personal and private access to me, so you can get clarity on your own dreams. and what steps you get to take to make it a reality!
I can't wait to talk to you!
Renee xo