Bonding with Your Angels & Guides
Feb 27, 2022
I can’t even imagine where I would be without the connection I have with my angels & guides. I know for a fact that their intervention saved my life on more than one occasion. I also know that their guidance, healing, wisdom, and support is what has helped me soar to exactly where I am today.
One of the top questions I’m asked from clients and students is:
“Do I have angels and guides?”
This is a completely valid and amazing question that I wish everyone would ask!
Because, yes! Yes, you do!
In fact, they were the same questions I began asking myself 25 years ago!
Here’s the deal. You are an incarnated being who has probably lived many, many lives upon the Earth. Throughout those different lives you have been surrounded by those from your soul family, guides, elders, animal spirits, ascended masters, interdimensional star races, and angels.
If you are a Starseed, then your soul is not from Earth, but from a distant star system, and you have come to this planet to serve Earth in a unique capacity. This can be through transmuting light language, healing, wisdom, evolution, and protection.
As a Starseed myself, I often felt out of place, like a fish out of water. When these experiences made me feel extremely uncomfortable, I remember thinking to myself, "I don't belong here, I just want to go home."
I feel that many Starseeds who have not connected with their star family often feel this way.
Connecting with my star family in Lyra and Pleiades has helped me understand more about my own evolution and purpose.
When it comes to my angels, I would and still do, receive messages through angel numbers (synchronistic repeating numbers). Seeing and understanding the vibrational impact of these numerical patterns provides me with insight to challenges, answers to questions, and inspiration to follow my dreams.
The mere thought that there are so many beings of light that surround me with love everyday, assisting and guiding my path almost blew my fragile human mind.
How could anyone feel alone or lost when they are constantly enveloped in divine counsel?
So, the next two questions from my students would inevitably be:
- “How do I know who they are?” AND
- “How do I learn to communicate with them?”
I truly believe with all my heart that as human beings, we tend to overcomplicate things with overthinking and becoming overly critical. And to correct that, we get to learn more about releasing expectations, surrendering control, and trusting in yourself & Spirit.
There is an element of deprogramming of social and cultural structures that I recommend for anyone who is on a spiritual journey. I invite spiritual seekers to develop a healing practice that fosters self awareness, self trust, and healthy boundaries.
The ego-self will inevitably attempt to sabotage these experiences and keep useless thoughts rattling around your brain. That is one of the biggest complaints of every person who has ever tried to connect and understand the direction of their angels & guides.
To overcome your internal doubts, you are being invited to remain open minded, open hearted, and create a spiritual practice that fosters this connection.
I connected with my Master Guide as a child and didn't even know it.
Her name is Naomi and she has been a part of my soul's journey for hundreds of my lives. When I was little, I saw her as a Native American woman. She has revealed many faces to me over the years to reflect the many lives we've shared together.
Whether you are a spiritual novice or guru, meditation and journaling is an essential component of your practice and open up ethereal doorways to higher dimensions.
Each dimension represents a measurement of consciousness. That is why those who observe more profound spiritual experiences, hear messages of Spirit, and transcend in meditation anchor in higher vibrations of thought & feelings more easily and more often.
Try this exercise to open up your gifts to cosmic communication:
- Play 528 hz frequency music
- Activate a protective intention for your space and yourself by calling upon your angels and guides
- Get some drinking water, and a pen & paper
- Take some time to dump out all of your empty thoughts on paper and then throw it away, or safely burn it.
- Get in a comfortable position with your spine aligned, and take some deep cleansing breaths.
- Set an intention for yourself to connect with one guide and ask them to come forward.
- Allow yourself to be carried along the vibration of the music, opening your awareness to the guide that wishes to step forward.
- Meditate here for 15-20 min. And write down your experience.
- And, as always, thank your guides!
Did you hear, sense, or have any visions?
If you’re not sure of the way your gifts flow through your conscious awareness, make sure you read my previous blog The Many Gifts of Being an Empath to discover your “Clairs-”
The gift of divine connection is one that welcomes extraordinary opportunities and transformative growth. When you are able to strengthen the bond with your angels and guides, the universe opens itself to you.
I can absolutely testify, based on my own experiences and those of my students, that your relationship with Divine Source and your Council of Light transitions your world into confidence, abundance, flow, trust, boundaries, unconditional love, and joy.
If the development of your spiritual gifts has been pulling your soul, to expand your healing and empowerment, click here to schedule a complimentary one-on-one call with me to discuss your future goals!