777 Portal - The Sirius Gateway
Jul 04, 2023
The 777 portal is opening on July 7th!
Learn the eight important spiritual ascension events that could take place during this 777 portal.
July is fixing to be one of the most astrologically active months of the year! The Capricorn Super Moon broke a levy of deeply rooted emotions connected to many painful wounds buried within your inner child.
It is time for rest, reflection, and allowing. The emotions that are flowing may be draining to your energy, especially as you are also integrating the new energies that are streaming in.
The Sun is currently traveling through Cancer, inviting your consciousness to recall early memories of childhood and family.
Dense emotions that have felt like mountains blocking your personal progress are coming up more in your awareness. The Full Moon in Capricorn is breaking up these obstacles, freeing them to the surface of your mind. If you can feel them, then they are ready to be healed and cleared from your cellular structure.
With the Sirius Gateway opening us to spiritual mastery, ascension, psychic power, and divine alignment, we are releasing the heaviness of the past, and the low vibration it carries. In doing this, we make room for consciousness that may hold a much higher vibration, connecting you to your true potential and purpose.
This is an incredible time for you to embrace your power. Allow the frequency of your words to reflect your truest intentions. Honor who you are and what you represent on this planet.
On a soul level, you have made a commitment to this process. You have chosen to be here at the same time that we are entering into the Golden Age of Miracles. You have chosen to take part in deep karmic and generational healing. You have committed to witnessing your humanity and divinity. You are here to fully awaken to mastery and pave the way for others who are also on this path.
This 777 (7/7/2+0+2+3=7) Gateway will preface the Lion’s Gate Portal that opens shortly after the Sun exits Cancer and moves into Leo (7/27). These are known as the “dog days of Summer”, because it refers to the constellation from which the star system of Sirius resides - Canis Major. This constellation is strongly visible during the warmest times of the year for the Northern Hemisphere, revealing the royal star Sirius that is over 20x brighter than our own Sun.
Ancient civilizations all around the world exhibited a deep spiritual relationship with Sirius based on many spiritual texts, records, and temples that served as observatories for particular times of the year, each facing different directions to follow the path of the star over the course of a year.
With the strong presence of Sirius in our sky, and these two major portals that are opening, prepare for:
- Recodes and upgrades to your DNA structure
- Receiving powerful downloads from the Sirian star race
- Spontaneous healing
- Activation of light codes
- Divine awareness of your spiritual gifts
- Ascension symptoms
- Rapid manifestations
- Acceleration of timelines
Be patient with yourself and enjoy your ascension!