Your Range of E-Motion

May 22, 2024

Your Range of E-Motion

There is a vast spectrum of emotions that are available to be experienced within the human consciousness. We often talk about the hardships of humanity, and what it means to be human in this world. I feel like we narrow our emotional experience by locking up very specific emotions in our body that block other intimate experiences from being more expansive.


Our ability to fully experience the radiance of the sunrise. To taste the deliciousness of the food that nourishes us. The feeling of warm water running down my body in the shower. The blissful tenderness of being embraced and held. 


These are the moments that dance alongside us along the journey, whatever journey that may be.


To focus on the experiences of joyful presence in our own physical manifestation is truly a treasure that words could not fully capture.


I felt this for myself.


Many years ago, while embarking on self discovery, healing, consciousness, and identity embodiment, I recognized the value of moving more slowly in a world that can’t seem to move fast enough.


In that, I witnessed a version of myself that had been hiding beneath the layers that had been relevant to other and more superficial identities I held.


I would experience moments that were unlike any other. I felt so centered in my own existence. I belonged to myself. I trusted the light of my heart to guide the path ahead.


Then other people would come into that space and it felt like they were infecting it with their negativity, gossip, reactions, and expectations. I would get so frustrated because I had worked so hard to establish that peace that seemed so fleeting. I struggled to anchor it into me.


I blamed the bullshit of others, and then realized I was bullshitting myself to think that this feeling I was feeling wasn’t 100% because of me. My thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.


There was a massive duality in my consciousness that was riddled with contrast.


My perception was greatly challenged in this experience.


How can I go from one thing to the other so quickly?


Why is it so hard for me to stay in the feelings of gratitude and fulfillment?


What is it going to take to change?


I studied these questions, with deep contemplation, meditation, and extensive journaling.


I listened to the ocean, I observed the flow of the river, I received the wisdom of the trees, and walked through many seasons of life to learn the deepest truth of who I am.


It is an evolution over my entire life that consists of learning, healing, and expansion.


There is no ONE trick to solving life or fixing it. It’s not a problem or a riddle, and I am not broken.


That’s right. 


There is no ONE trick to solving your life or fixing it. It’s not a problem or a riddle, and YOU ARE NOT BROKEN.


Working with the gift of Alchemy, I have learned to navigate tough emotional experiences, transmuting them into more fulfillment! Aligning with a more centered feeling of freedom and authenticity that changed so much in my journey for the better.


If you are feeling called to explore feminine consciousness & energetics, working with you emotional intelligence & navigation join my 5-Day Alchemy Transmission for ONLY $33!


I'm so grateful you've come into my world!

Renee xx