Are You Limiting Your Limitless Potential?
Jan 16, 2022
I remember being afraid. Not just afraid, but when fear had an authority over my life. I was stuck in that fear for many years and for many reasons, but the words, “I can’t” were deeply embedded in my vocabulary. And those words echoed directly into everyday life.
I was surrounded by the quicksand of my own old story.
Granted, if you don’t understand the components of that old story but try to escape it without examination, the quicksand will get you. You’ll wriggle and try to break free from the grip it has on you, but until you accept those components, the new story will struggle to take shape.
The new story is your freedom.
Your limiting belief system is primarily developed during your formative years. They are determined by your environment and the people that feed that environment, including their own limiting beliefs.
I realized that my mother did not have much faith in herself or self respect or she would not have made many of the choices that she did. Her own limiting beliefs created my world, and contributed to many of my inner child wounds.
I had to examine those limitations that were passed down and then came to understand that it is my own thoughts that determine my reality. If I decide to remain in the limiting belief that I am not worthy, then there is no way I will succeed in reaching my goals and dreams because the vibration attached to those thoughts would keep me trapped in the belief itself.
I truly believe that by reviewing the direction and flow of your thoughts, you will understand more and more about where they come from. Upon that you can review how that impacts your life. And then only you can decide if that is where you wish to stay, or if you want to change and grow.
It is 100% your choice. It is the choice of a lifetime.
I believe that there are two primary thought forms that all other thought forms will branch from - LOVE & FEAR.
I knew that I wanted to attract more abundance into my life and release the old story based in fear. The consciousness of lack and scarcity, never being or having enough, stemmed from the thought form of fear.
As the healing process continued, when I had a choice to make, I began asking myself - “Is this decision based on love or fear?”
Your brain has calculated many experiences of your life that have resulted in pleasure or disappointment. As it makes future decisions, it wants to protect you from the lower vibration experiences that will activate a feeling of fear. Your mind does this to protect you from further suffering.
However, we know that if you tried something and failed when you were 11 years old, it does not mean that if you try something new at 40 you will fail again.
Your inner child is throwing up the red flags. It’s afraid of an outcome that may cause you pain or discomfort. As an adult you can comfort that inner child and let them know that you understand the fear, but as an adult you are equipped to handle the situation.
So, how do you recognize mindset limitations?
Observe your thoughts and the words that you use. Do they feel good when you say them, or do they feel heavy in your mind and body? Do these words keep you in the same story or do they promote growth and help you reach your potential?
Face the truth. Do these words reflect something that is actually true, or are they still attached to the same old story that you are used to telling yourself and others?
Do frequent “check ins” and be your own fact checker. When you hear yourself make statements based on fact or the limiting story you’ve been telling?
Pay attention to the feeling as you read the following two statements:
“I’ve struggled with money most of my life. Every time I feel like I’m making headway, something comes along to take the wind out of my sails. I’m just not meant to be one of those people who is happy and successful. I’ll never have the things that most people have and it’s time I accept that.”
“In the past I had struggled with my finances. I had a lot to learn and a lot to heal to re-create my relationship with abundance and prosperity. I understand that my own thoughts affect my vibration and the direction of my life. I welcome the opportunity to change and grow. I am ready to receive the abundance that I know I am worthy of.”
Which of these two stories feels better to speak? Which vibration feels higher? Which of these sounds like the story you keep telling yourself?
Limiting beliefs keep you stuck in:
- Toxic & narcissistic relationships
- Low income
- Dead end jobs
- Weak boundaries
- Inner child trauma
- Shadow wounds
Up leveling your belief system, so you can:
- Build confidence and courage
- Attract more high vibe people
- Earn more money
- Expand your consciousness
- Unlock your hidden gifts
- Create your own reality
I want you to know that you are worthy and deserve to follow your dreams.
You deserve to be happy and confident, to feel whole.
If you are ready to up level your belief system and heal the wounds that have kept you trapped in the old story, schedule a complimentary Connect Call with me!
I am so excited to introduce you to the possibilities of your limitless potential!