11/11 Portal Activations are Happening NOW!
Nov 10, 2021
If you have noticed, more and more people are becoming spiritually “awakened”. The vibration shifts that have been occurring on our planet for several years now are heightening the spiritual awareness of the Earth’s inhabitants.
As these high powered galactic frequencies are being transmitted more and more towards our planet, we are anchoring in the vibrations of ascension and recoding our DNA, catalyzing life changing spiritual evolution.
The synchronicities of dates and numbers hold unique and potent vibrations of energy that are welcomed to enhance and transform the human experience.
This affects us on a mental/emotional and physical level because we are vibrational beings leveling up the wholeness of our existence. Have you noticed:
- Your perception of reality is shifting
- Pressure in your head, specifically the forehead
- Feeling detached from other things that used to make you happy
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
- Noticing ear and sinus pressure
- Requiring more isolation and time to recharge
- Changes in your appetite and food cravings
- Drinking more water than usual
- Vivid and more intense dreams
- Sleep disturbances
- Childhood trauma rising to the surface of your psyche
- Gravitating towards working with crystals
- Wanting a deeper understanding of who you are
- Experiencing sensitivity to what others are going through
- More drawn to nature and animals
This is not a substitute for medical advice, however, they are some of the symptoms that may occur as you are experiencing spiritual awakening and ascension.
This is a process that unfolds over time, since you have been locked into the matrix of 3D reality for most of your life. The challenges of a 3D physical reality consist of fear, mindset limitations, linear time, scarcity, and information being processed through a ego-centered filter.
As you continue this process of awakening and ascension of consciousness, the matrix of 3D reality will become less and less important. When this process is nurtured and supported, you will be led towards abundance, unconditional love, liberation, courage, and wholeness.
During the 11/11 portal, some of the above symptoms may be heightened and experienced more intensely, therefore it is essential to demonstrate patience and kindness towards yourself.
Vibrant and divine light particles are showering down upon you, welcoming activation codes to heal and restructure your DNA. This enables you to activate hidden data that has been stored in the blueprint of your soul.
You are on a journey of remembering your unique and individual self among the sea of souls who surround you. Your resonance will draw in the frequencies of like minded others and your soul family.
The number 11 is considered a master number and calls you back to your divine self. You are a vibrational being who is born of Divine Source, shining divine light into the world. This further unlocks codes of awakening to your own divine presence and divine consciousness in the world around you. Transformation is coming.
The illumination of your being will be amplified!
Humans were not designed to be robotic in life, following a humdrum routine of eat, work, and sleep. You are meant to heal, grow, learn, develop, liberate, expand, connect, and live in a high state of consciousness that is capable of moving mountains and inspiring miracles.
What is your physical & emotional body wanting to release?
Do you know what your soul needs?
Have you any idea how powerful you truly are?
Are you ready to step into your own power and speak your truth?